Oh too bad I have to write this post in English, 不然笑點根本出不來。

We went to our presentation meeting today, anyway after the meeting, the four of us started to chat for a bit... Alright, we chatted for almost two hours.

We talked about beers and hang over coz of what happened last night after they left my place. Then we jump into several different topics, but anyway, Amber started to talk about Luna and what she did when they were still housemates.

Amber got a phone call on one night telling her that her grandmother passed away, so she was really upset at the time. Luna was there soothing her, handing her tissue, hugging her and stuff. Then she asked Amber "Do you need a drink? I can get you one right now.", of course Amber would say YES.

Then Luna went into the kitchen, came back with a glass on her hand.

Amber paused a bit here, so I continued: "with water?"

Amber: "NO! She had me a glass of ORANGE JUICE!"


Oh Luna, how NAIVE can you be?

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